The benefits of minerals for exercise

The Significance of Minerals in Athletic Performance

Minerals are implicated in an extremely wide range of metabolic and physiological processes within the human body. In athletic performance, minerals have physiological roles in muscle contraction, normal heart rhythm, oxygen transportation, antioxidant activity, bone health, and immune function. A lot of these processes are speeded up during athletic performance, so a sufficient quantity of these minerals is essential for optimal performance. Many nutritious minerals are required for maintaining a healthy body, which assists athletes in performing at their peak. Nevertheless, there are specific minerals that undertake more of the demanding tasks in aiding athletic performance, and in many instances these are minerals that are depleted more rapidly during athletic performance. These encompass: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and sodium.


This mineral is of crucial significance for anyone who works out, and is of crucial significance for athletes and endurance athletes. Magnesium is a constituent of more than 300 enzymes implicated in energy metabolism. Magnesium is involved in the generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from fatty acid oxidation (see diagram below). ATP stores energy and is present in all cells, particularly muscle cells. Low levels of magnesium can contribute to premature fatigue, nausea, and muscle cramps. Magnesium is involved in a large number of processes that affect muscle function, including oxygen uptake and electrolyte balance, in addition to energy production.


In a study of athletes running for 40 minutes at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the loss of potassium was roughly estimated to be 435mg/hour. The rate of potassium loss is approximately 200mg/kg of weight lost during exercise [Wenk c, et al, Z Ernahrungswiss 1993 Dec; (4):301-7]. Potassium deficiency can be brought on by extreme training or athletic performance, particularly in hot climates, and has been associated with muscle injury. The symptoms of potassium deficiency comprise nausea, slower reflexes, vomiting, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, cramping, and a rapid heart rate. As one can observe, potassium is a critically necessary electrolyte for athletic performance, and measures need to be adopted to maintain a safe body level of this mineral electrolyte.


Maintaining optimal zinc levels is indispensable for maximizing athletic performance. Zinc is required by more than 300 enzymes to restore the body and safeguard against immune invaders. It also assists in synthesizing proteins and facilitating cell reproduction. Zinc assumes significant roles in the production of testosterone, insulin-like growth factor, and growth hormone. All of these have a considerable impact on enhancing the building of muscle, increasing strength, and improving recovery time. These effects have been witnessed in both men and women.

It has been observed that endurance runners lose twice as much zinc in their urine compared to the days they did not run. Many athletes load up on carbohydrates while restricting protein and fat intake before events, and this has been demonstrated to result in up to 90% of these athletes being zinc deficient. This will bring about a decline in energy and endurance.

Zinc is crucial for an efficient immune system. As mentioned, endurance exercise reduces the body’s zinc content, which might be, at least to some extent, the reason why distance runners are more prone to colds and upper respiratory tract infections immediately after races or strenuous endurance workouts. Athletic performance gives rise to the generation of harmful free radicals. Zinc acts as a potent intracellular antioxidant, contributing to the reduction of free radicals, which assists athletes in recovering more rapidly from athletic performance.

Zinc has a favorable influence on insulin release in response to elevated blood glucose and helps in enhancing insulin sensitivity, facilitating the uptake of glucose by muscle cells. Up to 40% of athletes have been found to have low zinc levels.


All these minerals that are essential for sports performance and exercise, with the exclusion of sodium, are fabricated by Albion in forms of the highest quality. Albion’s calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and selenium have been attested to be highly bioavailable, effective, and well-tolerated.

Albion manufactures 6 separate forms of calcium, 7 dissimilar forms of magnesium, 2 forms of iron, 2 forms of zinc, one form of potassium, and selenium. Calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc offer distinctive benefits, yet all can be advantageous for athletic performance and exercise.